What Is Cinematography?

Cinematography, in its simplest terms, is the art of manipulating light and camera for visual storytelling. It is comparable to photography–but while photography operates on still images, cinematography incorporates movement. Film is an audiovisual medium, and cinematography plays a big role in the visual parts of film. It is a bit like painting, but instead of physical pigments, it uses light and movement as captured by physical film or a camera’s digital sensor. It uses different techniques, combining science, technology, and artistic principles in order to produce visuals that tell a story and serve the film’s concept.


1). MLS: Mid-Long-Shot (which is up till thighs) 

2). MS: Mid-Shot (up till waist)

3). MCU: Mid-Close-Up (up till chest)

4). CU: Close-Up (up till shoulders/neck)

5). BCU: Big-Close-Up (half forehead till chin)

6). ECU: Extreme-Close-Up (focusing one part)


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